On 26th April a small group of AAG members visited the 'mound' in Maids Moreton where 2 trial trenches were excavated last year.
The mound is a 2m high square based platform surrounded by a ditch. But what was it?
Susan, Lyn and Steven (who owns the mound) did a splendid job in bringing us up to speed with the results. I won't go into details because there is an exhibition on the dig in The Old Gaol Museum in Buckingham at the moment. Well worth a visit!
I will tantalise you that they discovered over 480 pieces of pot. 80% of which dated from 11th/12th century.
And numerous small finds including medieval worked bone.
But the question still remains - what was the purpose of the mound?
... Well, the excellent news is that after securing some more funding (lots of work on grant applications) there will be a further 2 week dig this year from 10th to 23rd August.
I headed this post calling Maids Moreton the friendly village. I firmly stand by this as I attended the AGM of the Maids Moreton Conservation Group in May and was warmly welcomed by everyone there. It was very well attended with wine and nibbles and the most fantastic raffle prizes. Most evident was the strong community interest in the village, their village, and its past. Not nostalgic but forward looking. People who love their village but are happy and proud to share it with the wider community.
And they make very good cakes! (Thank you, Lyn.)
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